Hi! My name is Katie Moon, and I am a multi-disciplinary artist, researcher, course creator, and podcaster passionate about creating my life from the inside out (aka: from my heart, not my ego-mind).

Almost a decade into my career as a professional illustrator (like, literally, I had an agent in NYC who helped me land high-level clients, and I ran an illustration business on the side), I "happened" into graduate school—a story in itself! After four and a half years of seminary study (ie. grad school studying theology), I knew it was time to step aside from my traditional education (note: before I earned the degree) to blaze my own learning trail. This new path was built upon research methods and models I discovered and advanced through thousands of research hours, and which set my work apart from that of other researchers and scholars to this day. As a researcher I have created online courses as well as an exciting new podcast all about our identity as Light and creating our lives from this unlimited identity.

While research has stood center stage for a number of years, I am feeling a strong nudge (from my heart-space of course) to return to the arts. Namely, and surprisingly to me as much as anyone, acting. I am very excited about this new direction and feel very ready to get back to the arts, and especially in this medium.

To summarize, I have been Exhibit A of my research work—as is often required of the teacher. By coming to understand my identity as Light and tenaciously following my own limitless heart-space (“practicing what I preach”), I have created a multi-faceted, multi-disciplinary, ever-expanding career and life I love. Which is the whole point of creating from our hearts (intuition/Holy Spirit) to begin with!

Thank you for being here and please take a look around my site for more information and/or to get in touch!